999+ Minecraft Nicknames Unique Ideas

The best Minecraft nicknames are taken? Find out how to be creative and create a unique and cool Minecraft nickname or username.

Minecraft Nicknames
Minecraft Nicknames

Minecraft Name Checker: Generate Unique Minecraft Nicknames

When you want to choose a nickname or gamer tag for a game, you always need to find one that is unique.

But how can you check Minecraft name availability?

I made this super simple tool for checking if the name you chose is a unique Minecraft nickname. Just input the name you want to check and click the CHECK button to verify if a Minecraft name is taken or not.

You don't have any ideas for a Minecraft nickname? Check out the hundreds of Minecraft nicknames ideas below. From funny Minecraft nicknames to cool and badass Minecraft nicknames, take your pick.

Also, you should give a try to our awesome gamer name generator to get virtually endless creative nicknames.

Cool, Awesome, Creative Minecraft Nicknames

The Minecraft universe is fascinating. If you're wondering how many users play Minecraft, the answer is around 141 million users. The cubic fantasy world is filled with stories and finding a cool Minecraft nickname that is unique can be a daunting task.

Therefore in this article I will help you find the most awesome Minecraft nickname for you.

  1. $LâЧЗГ
  2. 0 Bata Lull
  3. 0Inferno0
  4. 11Buckman11
  5. 2_Sleepy
  6. 3DHeaven
  7. 707Mirrorball
  8. 77MirrorStar
  9. 77SupremeEnigma
  10. 77VenomArchon
  11. 99VenomArts
  12. A$$ Kicker
  13. ATS Assassins
  14. Aashiq No 1
  15. Abaddon
  16. Abide-Man
  17. Abnormal Vigor
  18. Abrakadabra
  19. Abraxos
  20. AccidentalGenius
  21. Accurate Arrows
  22. Adearien
  23. AdmiralSolo
  24. Adoreldan
  25. Afeloth
  26. After World
  27. Agent its urgent
  28. Agent47
  29. Agent47
  30. Agent_Sergent
  31. Agrerrabwyn
  32. Aidan
  33. Alchemilla
  34. Aldebaran
  35. AlmightyPharoah
  36. Alone Fighter
  37. Ambriel
  38. Ambrosia
  39. Amniacx
  40. Annoyed Power
  41. Anoxmous
  42. Arendella
  43. Arrow Sanju
  44. Ashek
  45. Asli Heera
  46. Assassins Boys
  47. Assaultz
  48. Astericc
  49. Athena
  50. Atom Dyno
  51. AvengingGhost
  52. Aʛɘŋt47
  53. BZzZzZzy
  54. Back2Hell
  55. Bad soldier
  56. BadBoy
  57. Badmaash Ladka
  58. Badtameez Chokra
  59. Bailey
  60. Barbiel
  61. Barry Allen
  62. Battle Mistress
  63. BeachbOYS
  64. BeachesGotU
  65. Beast Tamers
  66. Bella
  67. Best Blusters
  68. Best Vs the Rest
  69. Bhai On Fire
  70. BigBrainEnergy
  71. BigF00tIsReal
  72. Bihari Boy
  73. Bilamos
  74. BioM3ta1Boss101
  75. Bitch Lasagna
  76. Bitch Mafia
  77. BlaDeZ
  78. BlaSTz
  79. Black Plague
  80. BlackShadows
  81. Blackladder
  82. BlockBallerina
  83. Bloody Mary
  84. Bob Vaginer
  85. BoboSissy
  86. Bolt Swap
  87. Bones
  88. Bonkers
  89. Boss69up
  90. BossFireball
  91. Boywithmagic
  92. Braemos
  93. Branded Kameena
  94. Branded Kameena
  95. Brash Thugs
  96. BreaK
  97. BroBlox
  98. BrokemyLeg
  99. Broken Angel
  100. Brown Wolf
  101. BrownBlockers
  102. Brutal Killer
  103. Buddy
  104. BugNumero
  105. Bumberphilers
  106. Butcher's daughter
  107. COco
  108. Call Me Daddy
  109. Calm Outlaws
  110. Candy Queens
  111. Captain America
  112. Captain Jack Sparrow
  113. Captain Krook
  114. Captain Yield
  115. Captain_Armada
  116. Captions
  117. CarnalRisktakers
  118. Carry No bliss
  119. CartridgeZine
  120. Chad
  121. Championof7seas
  122. Chamundaya Namah
  123. Chaotic Atranoch
  124. CharlieRocket
  125. Charmander
  126. Charming Prince
  127. Chase
  128. Chatpata Chora
  129. Chatpattu
  130. Checkpoint1
  131. CheesyPoofs
  132. Chewy
  133. Chhota Rajan
  134. Chicken Lover
  135. Chicken lovers
  136. ChickenDinner
  137. Chicky Fighter
  138. Chihooo
  139. Chihuahua
  140. ChilledCoop
  141. ChooseBreaking
  142. ChoroMax
  143. ChromeBlokes
  144. Chromedx
  145. ChronoProphet
  146. Chronosco
  147. Chulbul Pandey
  148. Cinderella
  149. CitrusCactus
  150. ClapOrSlap
  151. Class_Clown
  152. Clencher
  153. CleoNeo
  154. Cloudy Perpetrator
  155. Cloudy Predator
  156. Clutch Rifleman
  157. Coke n doritos
  158. Columnalet
  159. ComfyVibes
  160. Comfywi
  161. Comic Starship
  162. Complex Slayer
  163. Complex Slayers
  164. Concrete Homes
  165. Confler
  166. Conqueris
  167. CooLDOOD
  168. CookedPig
  169. CookiesandCream
  170. Cool DoodX
  171. Cool Londa
  172. CorruptedFlux
  173. CorruptedLands
  174. CorruptedNight
  175. CowboyTown
  176. Craniax
  177. Crazy Killer
  178. Crazy Lover
  179. Crazy Monster
  180. Crazylad
  181. Creeper_shh
  182. Crested Mongrel
  183. Crimeter
  184. Criminology
  185. Crims0nDamage
  186. Cross Man
  187. Crumpy
  188. Crushed90
  189. Crusher
  190. CupCake
  191. Cute Chora
  192. Cute Crashers
  193. Cute Londa
  194. CuteEevee
  195. CãrnageEpidemic
  196. Cʌɭɱ Oʋtɭʌws
  197. D4Destroyer
  201. DaRKest HuNTeR
  202. Dandolion
  203. Dare the Flare
  204. Daredevil
  205. Dark Prince
  206. Dark Rahul
  207. Dark Thunder
  208. DarkCrimson
  209. DarkShadow
  210. DarkStar
  211. Darrok Malcolm
  212. DashMetalRat
  213. Dasher
  214. Dawn Infernal
  215. Dazzling Londa
  216. DeAtHiNcOgNiTo
  217. DeCoiiLz
  218. Dead Killer
  219. Dead show
  220. DeadAmongUs
  221. DeadPool
  222. Deadly Realm
  223. Deadmau5
  224. Deadshot
  225. Death Storm
  226. Death Stroke
  227. Death Vader
  228. Decoiled
  229. DeeKay
  230. Defendakey
  231. Dejectedcushions
  232. Delightvi
  233. Demon Hunter
  234. DemonFire
  235. Demonic Criminals
  236. Depotski
  237. DesiDaredevil
  238. Destructive Virus
  239. Destuctivevirus
  240. Dev Soldiers
  241. Dexter
  242. DiamondWorld
  243. DieORdie
  244. Digestey
  245. Dihaati on fire
  246. Disagreeable Liquidators
  247. DiscoStreamers
  248. Ditto99
  249. DivineB3ast
  250. Dizzy Irresistible
  251. Dizzy Irresistible
  252. DoDG3
  253. Doctor Grumpy
  254. Doctor Stomach
  255. DogeCo
  256. DoomSlayer
  257. DoraTheExplorer
  258. Dosei - saturn
  259. DrOpShOtZ
  260. Draconian
  261. DraftCrAFTER
  262. DragonTamers
  263. DragonWielder
  264. Dragon_Tamers
  265. Dragonia
  266. Dragonkin
  267. DramaPlace
  268. DropshoTz
  269. DuBose
  270. Dunder
  271. DëvilExp10siv3
  272. Dɘstʋctɩvɘvɩʀʋs
  273. EVANandEVE
  274. EatBulletZ
  275. EatBullets
  276. Eg0mania
  277. El-Chapo
  278. Electric Sprayer
  279. Elite Baiter
  280. Energizer_Bunny
  281. Enigma Domain
  282. EnëmyD3vi1
  283. Equalizers
  284. Evenbull
  285. Evil dad
  286. Evildead
  287. Evolutiionz
  288. ExiledShade
  289. ExoPlanetiers
  290. Exoticempt
  291. Exoticitus
  292. ExploiveTaskes
  293. Exterminator
  295. FLaM3z
  297. FaTaLsToRm
  298. FaTaLz
  299. Faadu
  300. Faia - fire
  301. FakeBlossom
  302. Falekoth
  303. Fallen Five
  304. Fanatic Tranny
  305. Fanatical Tyranny
  306. FantaStars
  307. Farerge
  308. Farinosa
  309. Farrebaaz
  310. FatálStorm
  311. Faulty Devils
  312. Faulty Devils
  313. Faulty Devils
  314. FazeBanks
  315. Fear Butchers
  316. Feathered Beast
  317. FebDeck
  318. FiReZ
  319. Fiery Destroyer
  320. FinestGold
  321. FinestSolid
  322. FinickyFishman
  323. Fire Bloom
  324. FireBloom
  325. FireFly
  326. FireFly Jungles
  327. FireyLads
  328. First Reign
  329. Flash
  330. FlourineFarmers
  331. FlyingTurtle
  332. Foamy Gang
  333. Foamy Swagger
  334. Forge_the_Dragon
  335. ForgetheSword
  336. ForkKnife
  337. Forsaken Monster
  338. Fortgirl
  339. FrOstyOdyesseus
  340. Fraunnor
  341. FreëzeLucif3r
  342. FriedBee
  343. FriedBeez
  344. FrostBite
  345. FrostFull
  346. FrozenParadise
  347. Frozone
  348. FruitLand
  349. FrÕstyOdyssey
  350. FrÕstyStar
  351. FukoNoKami
  352. FunFair
  353. Functionally_depressed
  354. FunkyMelon
  355. FurryFlux
  356. Fussy Man
  357. Gabolivie
  358. Game_Junkie
  359. Gaming
  360. GammaNine
  361. Gassy Islands
  362. Gentle Woman
  363. Ghost Glider
  364. GirlinBlue
  365. Gladrags
  366. Gliliven
  367. Glimmette
  368. Glistening Prestige
  369. Glistering Man
  370. Glistering_Man
  371. Gloomy Valley
  372. Gokoth
  373. Gold digger
  374. GoldEpidemic
  375. GoldMiners
  376. GoldenRains
  377. Gorilla Hunter
  378. GosuBadR3f1ux
  379. Green Ghost
  380. Grieving Butchers
  381. Grumpy_Snorlax
  382. GuNShoTzZ
  383. GuTshotz
  384. Gucci Man
  385. GucciGirlGang
  386. GuerillaPriest
  387. Gun Digger
  388. Gun Guru GG
  389. GunFoil
  390. GunSly Bruce Lee
  391. Gurlyus
  392. Guttural Gangsters
  393. GuërillaPriest
  394. H3ntai Godx
  396. HanCampaign
  397. HarHarKillings
  398. Havoc Man
  399. HeadShot Killer
  400. HeadShotz
  401. Headhunter
  402. Headphones
  403. HealerRole
  404. Heartless Alchoholic
  405. Hell Raiser
  406. Helmeted Destroyer
  407. Her Majesty
  408. Herbert_the_Ghost
  409. HeroBrine
  410. Hero_is_born
  411. Heroes Of Holy Weapons
  412. HeroicHunkx
  413. Hi - flame or blaze
  414. HighTurtles
  415. Hinote - flame or blaze
  416. HipFlunk
  417. Hitter69
  418. HitterPitter
  419. Hobbit Hamlet
  420. Hoka - gunfire
  421. Holly Secret
  422. Homely Sharpshooters
  423. Homura - blaze
  424. How To
  425. Hungry Admirals
  426. Hungry BEAST
  427. HungryAdmiral
  428. Hunter Sky 69
  429. HyPer Killer
  430. HyperFlea
  431. Həʌɽtləss Ʌlcoholıc
  432. I am Deadly
  433. I am Ghost
  434. IAmAGhoul
  435. IAmGosuNight
  436. ITried2B Funny
  437. IWannaHacj
  438. IamStan
  439. ImAlox
  440. ImInsane
  441. Immoral Brat
  442. IncognitÕDecay
  443. Incredible
  444. Indian Assassin
  445. Indian Knight
  446. IndoTruffle
  447. InfamousHunters
  448. Infernal Lands
  449. Inferno Land
  450. Infinite Tsukoyomi
  451. Inimical Thugs
  452. Innocent Ladka
  453. Insaneshooter
  454. InsiderTrevor
  455. Invaderno
  456. Invictus
  457. IssueCy
  458. ItsLemonz
  459. Jaabaaz
  460. JackSeptiPie
  461. JackTheRipper
  462. JaiML
  463. Jalind
  464. Jealous Chora
  465. Jeb
  466. Jelly
  467. Jennie
  468. Joker
  469. JuZzSpot
  470. JumPShoTz
  471. JungWalker
  472. Junglee Sherni
  473. Jungli Billi
  474. Juniorr
  475. Just9n
  476. Jynxy
  477. KaRiZMa
  478. Kabookie
  479. Kaen - flame or blaze
  480. Kaji - conflagration (a fire that causes significant property or land damage)
  481. KakashiSensei
  482. Kaki - flame
  483. Karan_Hairflip
  484. Kasai - conflagration (a fire that causes significant property or land damage)
  485. Katega
  486. Katon - disappearing via fire (as a Ninja might do)
  487. Kazan - fiery volcano
  488. Kedoewyth
  489. KidCudiStan
  490. KidcrafteR
  491. Kill Spree
  492. KillShot
  493. KillVentWho
  494. Killer Klowns
  495. KillerBabe
  496. Killing Kissers
  497. Killsh0tz
  498. King of Kings
  499. KingBear
  500. KingMania
  501. Kira_Smokelord
  502. Kiss No Bliss
  503. Kittycica88
  504. KiwiGreenJuice
  505. Kleinermiesergoh
  506. Knight Angel
  507. Known Warfare
  508. Kobold
  509. KrimeBoiz
  510. KrkFans
  511. Kroniikz
  512. Kronik
  513. Krusty Demon
  514. KurisuInvent
  515. Kɘɘŋ Tɘʌɱ Sɩx
  516. Kʀʋstƴ Dɘɱoŋ
  517. Kїиҩ Kнди
  518. Labyrinth
  519. Lady
  520. LaggingExpert
  521. Land of Tranquility
  522. Laptops
  523. LarryBagpipe
  524. Leading Light
  525. Legend Killer
  526. Legendary Looter
  527. Legendary Noob
  528. Leistorks
  529. Lendmethesword
  530. LenyPen
  531. LesMis597
  532. Lestminster
  533. Leximin
  534. Lil-Sniper
  535. Listlessness
  536. LittleHammockTown
  537. LittleLands
  538. LittleMinions
  539. LiveZombie
  540. Lofer Sahil
  541. Lone Warrior
  542. Long-term Occupation
  543. Lord_Theus
  544. LouisVuittons
  545. LousyScouts
  546. LoverLocal
  547. Loverzzzz
  548. Lucky Sharpshooter
  549. Lucy
  550. LudoStareHouse
  551. LudwigBagman
  552. Luk Man
  553. LukerNorm
  554. LunaGold
  555. Lyrical Armed Services
  556. Lɘʆt Dɩvɩɗɘ
  557. M()()Dz
  558. MADMAX
  559. MG THOR
  560. MaZeRuNnEr
  561. Maa Ki Ladli
  562. Maa da Ladla
  563. Maessi
  564. MagicSJP
  565. Magikarp
  566. MajesticAv3nger
  567. MajesticFiz
  568. Margolem
  569. Mariuk
  570. MarshMellow
  571. Master
  572. Master Mafia
  573. Max
  574. Mazeology
  575. Medical Rebel
  576. Medical Rebels
  577. MegamindGamers
  578. Melon
  579. Men_at_)work
  580. Metropolis
  581. MiDNiT3
  582. MiSTaKeZ
  583. MiamiHeights
  584. Midnight Power
  585. Mighty Mafia
  586. Mighty Mafia
  587. MightyJannah
  588. Mighty_Charizard
  589. MigratedPlum7
  590. Military Force
  591. Military_Material
  592. Miloo
  593. MimsaRose
  594. MinerPrincess
  595. Minettyear
  596. Mini
  597. MirrorStork
  598. MissTumblina
  599. MistDragoon
  600. MocK
  601. MockArmy
  602. Monkey Man
  603. MonoPixellete
  604. Monster Killer
  605. Mortal Llama
  606. Mortified Coercion
  607. Mosu - flare, ignite, or blaze
  608. Murderous Weebs
  609. Muroopa
  610. MutantBoy
  611. MutePhantom
  612. Mysterious
  613. Mɩʛʜtƴ Mʌʆɩʌ
  614. N0tSo GOOD
  615. N30Shoo735
  616. NOhOMIES
  617. NaDeZ
  618. NaDeZz
  619. NadadaPa
  620. Nalayak Ladka
  621. Names
  622. NascentDon
  623. NashediGang
  624. Nathien
  625. Naughty Ladka
  626. NegativeAura1
  627. Nepeta
  628. Networen
  629. Never Genesis
  630. New Civilizations
  631. NewExile
  632. NewsRodeo
  633. NeÕSh0ot3r
  634. Nibba Killers
  635. Nice1Too
  636. Niffler
  637. Ninjamonk
  638. NoMenAlive
  639. NoMercyNinja
  640. NonCommital
  641. Noob Nitesh
  642. Nutty Domination
  643. Nutty Domination
  644. Nutty_Domination
  645. Nymeria
  646. Obliterator
  647. Observant Force
  648. Odd Hooligan
  649. Odd Hooligans
  650. Offended_Cauldrons
  651. One Man Army
  652. Optimal Aces
  653. Oramasol
  654. Oreo
  655. Outrageous Dominance
  656. Outrageous Domination
  657. Oygon
  658. PHX Titan
  659. PUBG Striker
  660. Pabloz
  661. Padmavati
  662. Paganthekid
  663. PainCyborg
  664. Panda
  665. Panther
  666. Papa ki sniper
  667. ParagonCrafter
  668. Partype
  669. PattSeHeadshot
  670. Paultjepilss
  671. Paws
  672. PeNeTRaTeS
  673. Perfect Smoker
  674. Phantom Shores
  675. Phantom Troupe
  676. Phiapht
  677. Photixel
  678. Piertuck
  679. Pink Leader
  680. PinkPanther
  681. PiperD33
  682. PixelDog
  683. PixelNarnia
  684. PixelWarrioes
  685. Pixellets
  686. Place for Geeks
  687. Plain Privilege
  688. Polish_BoBer
  689. PowerWalkers
  690. PradaQueen
  691. PrestigeBadge
  692. PrestigeMale
  693. Prime Territory
  694. Professor Acquit
  695. Professor Have
  696. Prouder
  697. Psycho killer
  698. Psychotic
  699. Ptelea
  700. Pubgian
  701. Pubgstriker
  702. Pudinea
  703. Purring Coercion
  704. Put Up Man
  705. PuzzleGameplay
  706. Pʋɓʛstʀɩĸɘʀ
  707. Queen Bee
  708. QueenofJakku
  710. RS_LyBot
  711. RaPiiDz
  712. RaPz
  713. Race One
  714. Radi3ntBeing
  715. RadicalTerror
  716. RageFrost
  717. Raging Bulls
  718. Raging Trees
  719. Raging eXpert
  720. Rahul King
  721. Rampage Hawkeye
  722. Rampant
  723. Rapid Ninja
  724. Rapid Pwner
  725. RapidoFiro
  726. Ravan
  727. RavenLocks
  728. Raw Sahil
  729. ReCoiiLz
  730. ReDeath
  731. ReDhEaD
  732. Reakermc
  733. RebelBabe
  734. RebelBlades
  735. Recon Corps
  736. Regular Discipline
  737. RelyHot
  738. ReporterFox
  739. Reportski
  740. RepublicgamerX
  741. RespectMeBitch
  742. Rhaeveth
  743. RiceGum
  744. Riku - wise sky
  745. RiskyHawkeye
  746. Rizoel
  747. Rob3rta
  748. Rogue
  749. Roman Smallwood
  750. RomanByzantine
  751. Rosies
  752. Roulette
  753. Rover
  754. Ruddy Exterminator
  755. Ruddy Exterminators
  756. Rutherford
  757. SOUL Iconic
  758. SOUL Killer
  759. Sabrael
  760. Sakht Londa
  761. Sammy
  762. Sandy
  763. Sanskari
  764. Santagal
  765. SarPhira Londa
  766. Saras Player
  767. Satanist
  768. Savage Henry
  769. Sc1mitar
  770. Scapuls
  771. ScaryMonster
  772. SeMTeX
  773. Seal Team 6
  774. Selfish Queen
  775. Selfish Soldiers
  776. Selloana
  777. Semtex
  778. Seven Armors
  779. Sexy Unicorn
  780. ShadowReptile
  781. ShaqBuster2k03
  782. Sharp Hooter
  783. Sharp Shooter
  784. Sharp ShooterAŋŋoƴɘɗ Powɘʀ
  785. Sharpshooter
  786. Shaymin
  787. Shayters
  788. Shields
  789. Shockerzz
  790. Shomniaz
  791. Shoo7er
  792. Shooter Aparichit
  793. Shy Gun
  794. SiZzy
  795. SilkyPanacota
  796. Silver Ogre
  797. Silver Sleek
  798. SimonCoverage
  799. SimonKiller
  800. SimonSaya009
  801. Simon_Granes
  802. Simulation
  803. SincereHeadlines
  804. SinisterAlaska
  805. SkinnyJeans
  806. Skirtz Chaser
  807. Skull Trooper
  808. SkyBlock_Ruler
  809. SkyDecay
  810. SlammerHam
  811. SlayerzzZ
  812. Slaying Girling
  813. Slow Pegasus
  814. Sluggero
  815. Smacetron
  816. Smooth Lad
  817. Sniper
  818. Sniperip
  819. Sniperzz
  820. Snow
  821. Snowboardor
  822. Solider
  823. Solo_K1ll
  824. Sombererta
  825. Sora - universe or big sky
  826. Soul society
  827. SpankingLegend
  828. Sparks
  829. Spellbinder
  830. SpiderMan
  831. Spuffynshu
  832. SquareVilla
  833. Stabber
  834. Stand-Man
  835. Star_Sw0rd
  836. Starlet_Sandcastle
  837. Stormy
  838. Straight Gangsters
  839. StrivingMonster
  840. StudMan
  841. Stupendous Knights
  842. Stylish Ronny
  843. Subterraneans
  844. Super Killer
  845. Superior_Days
  846. Surma Bhopali
  847. Survival Lands
  848. Svenny
  849. Sweaty Sweet
  850. SweatyPie
  851. SweatySweat
  852. SweatyWarriorz
  853. SweetsHaven
  854. Switch foot
  856. TURBO Trash
  857. Taiyō - sun
  858. Take out man
  859. Takibi - fire
  860. Talisman
  861. Tango Boss
  862. TargetPlayers
  863. Tasselis
  864. Tate No Yuusha
  865. TeEeMmPpEeRr
  866. Teamcherpo
  867. Tearney
  868. Teen Outlaws
  869. Tenmon - astronomy
  870. Tenmongaku - astronomy
  871. Tenpi - sunlight
  872. TerrificTornado
  873. TerrorZealot
  874. Thanos
  875. The Annihilators
  876. The Blank Pain
  877. The Dark Hornet
  878. The Dark Hunter
  879. The Dark Knight
  880. The Espadas
  881. The GodFather
  882. The PUS_Y Slayer
  883. The Terminator
  884. TheCrazyGamer73_
  885. TheDemonHunter
  886. TheDivinëBeast
  887. TheMagicalWorld
  888. TheSniperMan
  889. Thereat
  890. Thiebard
  891. ThinkGot
  892. Thrashers
  893. ThreaTz
  894. Thrillaww
  895. Thug Life
  896. ThugOfNoobs
  897. Thunderbeast
  898. Thunderbird
  899. Thundering Storm
  900. Thuveth
  901. Tiger
  902. ToMoHawkz
  903. Tolerate Man
  904. Tomato
  905. TomohaHashi
  906. ToughClutch
  907. ToxicHuman
  908. TrackerMan
  909. TreasureBird
  910. TriB3z
  911. Trinity Warrior
  912. Triston Valley
  913. Trollers goals
  914. Troubleshooting
  915. Tsuki - moon or lunar
  916. Tsukikage - moonbeams or moonlight
  917. TuRRe7z
  918. TwistedMinds
  919. TwitScan
  920. TwitlingTattles
  921. Unstoppables99
  922. Uppertain
  923. Ureka Universe
  924. Utopia 2.0
  925. V3mpire GhosT
  926. VENOM Spider
  927. VaPouRz
  928. VanixX
  929. Vaporitza
  930. Vapourzzz
  931. Varhmiel
  932. Victor
  933. ViiPeRz
  934. Vikkstar123
  935. VirulentGãmër
  936. VirulentMinecrafter
  937. Viss
  938. Visupera
  939. VivalaQuick
  940. VivalaQuicka
  941. Vogel Cry
  942. Volunteer Fire Department
  943. VulturePerfect
  944. Wakusei - planet
  945. Walking Drgon
  946. Walking Pegasus
  947. Walking Undead
  948. WandaUNITED
  949. WannaBuildHomes
  950. Watersheep
  951. Whitter
  952. Wild Wrecker
  953. Winner Woman
  954. Witch Hunter
  955. Wolf_Miner
  956. Wolfie
  957. WorldWonders
  958. Wreckers
  959. Wretched Veterans
  960. XMen Logan
  961. XaGLeZ
  962. Yakeru - char, burn, blaze, or ignite
  963. Yaketsuku - burn, blaze, flare, or ignite
  964. Yo-Yo Valleys
  965. YouCuteAsf
  966. YouSillyFool
  967. Young Lady
  968. Your shugger daddy
  969. YourBFStares
  970. YourDadNO12
  971. Z Warriors
  972. Zealous Squad
  973. ZealousOhyeah
  974. ZencowW
  975. _BialyMis
  976. alexgamer115
  977. bOISwILLbEBois
  978. bOOsFirE
  979. doullz
  980. eaperbowt
  981. evilNOfear
  982. flamingarmpit
  983. grifツ
  984. hurtdeeply
  985. huskiiv
  986. legendary Princess
  987. littlemini
  988. maroV3
  989. megapixel_YTB
  990. oODeadBlasterOo
  991. otinus
  992. queen☬
  993. rolojohns
  994. sHoCkZz
  995. sOdA
  996. sonoialiano
  997. twinforce
  998. xBadDream
  999. xXAshenMindxX
  1000. xXx-DΞΛDSH0T-xXx
  1001. ÐëÅdHellion
  1002. Рэяғэст Ѕмөкэя

Minecraft Characters Names

Minecraft Character Names

A good source for Minecraft nickname ideas is the Minecraft universe itself. Let's take a look at the names of the characters in Minecraft. Here's a list of Minecraft characters:

Minecraft Jesse's Group Character Names

If you play Minecraft: Story mode you will find the center group called Jesse's group. And here's the full list of character names in Jesse's group:

  • Jesse
  • Axel
  • Olivia
  • Reuben (Pig)
  • Petra
  • Lukas
  • Ivor
  • Radar
  • Jack
  • Nurm
  • Lluna (Determinant)
  • Gabriel the Warrior (Determinant)
  • Emily (Determinant)

You might be wondering how his list of character names could help with finding the best Minecraft gamer tag for yourself. Well, imagine combining these names with attributes like colors (Pink Lluna), traits (Speedy Reuben), mixup letters and characters (J3$$3), etc. These are only a few of the Minecraft nicknames ideas you can try.

Minecraft Heroes Names: The Order of the Stone

In the land of Minecraft, there's a group of heroes called The Order of the Stone, and here are their names for nickname inspiration:

  • Soren the Architect
  • Gabriel the Warrior
  • Magnus the Rogue
  • Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer
  • Ivor

Minecraft Dungeons Bosses

No list of cool Minecraft names would be complete without the Minecraft Bosses List. So here are the bosses of Minecraft:

  • Wither Storm
  • Ender Dragon
  • Giant Ghast
  • Icy Golem
  • Giant Magma Golem

Other Minecraft Character Names

The list of Minecraft characters can go on and on and on... but listing them all here would make the article unbearable long, so I'll just mention a few more names for your Minecraft nickname inspiration.

  • Giant Enderman
  • Zombie Pigman
  • Herobrine
  • The Warden
  • PorcChop

Minecraft Faction Names

Minecraft Faction

If you are a teamplayer and like playing in co-op with your friends then you'll want to join a faction or clan. Or, you might want to form your own.

So, what should I name my faction in Minecraft you ask?

Here are some cool Minecraft faction name ideas that you can use. Keep in mind, that a badass epic Mincraft name for your clan might draw attention and bring in other players to help you with your game strategy.

  1. Absolute
  2. Adjourned
  3. Alliance
  4. Amazon
  5. Anarchy
  6. Apparition
  7. Aurora
  8. Avalanche
  9. Aztec
  10. Band
  11. Bandits
  12. Bedlam
  13. Bimyou
  14. Bonfire
  15. Brinille
  16. Bunch
  17. Cabal
  18. Calamity
  19. Camp
  20. Cashmere
  21. Casualties
  22. Caucus
  23. Celestial
  24. Coalition
  25. Combination
  26. Combine
  27. Combo
  28. Commotion
  29. Concern
  30. Conclave
  31. Crisis
  32. Crusaders
  33. Curators
  34. Darkened
  35. Dawn
  36. Defiance
  37. Demonic
  38. Depraved
  39. Desire
  40. Diminish
  41. Dimlight
  42. Disaster
  43. Disclosure
  44. Dismissed
  45. Dynamic
  46. Echo
  47. Eerie
  48. Elysian
  49. Enlightment
  50. Escape
  51. Ethreal
  52. Evanesce
  53. Evolved
  54. Exo
  55. Expired
  56. Extinct
  57. Extremes
  58. Fabled
  59. Fallen
  60. Fantastical
  61. Fate
  62. Fernweh
  63. Fictitious
  64. Fortune
  65. Fragments
  66. Fresco
  67. Frostbite
  68. Galactic
  69. Gang
  70. Gangsters
  71. Gatekeepers
  72. Gentry
  73. Goblins
  74. Guardians
  75. Heroic
  76. Hijackers
  77. Huntsmen
  78. Illusion
  79. Imaginary
  80. Indigo
  81. Irusu
  82. Jailbirds
  83. Junta
  84. Kalopsia
  85. Keepers
  86. Komorebi
  87. Kryptic
  88. Lawless
  89. Legends
  90. Limbo
  91. Loners
  92. Madness
  93. Maestro
  94. Mainstream
  95. Masquerade
  96. Maximum
  97. Mayhem
  98. Minority
  99. Mirage
  100. Mutiny
  101. Mystique
  102. Mythic
  103. Mythical
  104. NecoCrypt
  105. Nefarious
  106. Nemophilists
  107. Nexus
  108. Nightwatch
  109. Nobility
  110. Nova
  111. Nuclear
  112. Oblivion
  113. OblivionRevenge
  114. Panic
  115. Party
  116. Payback
  117. Perception
  118. Phobia
  119. Pinnacle
  120. Predators
  121. Predatory
  122. Prophets
  123. Purge
  124. Raiders
  125. Ravenous
  126. Rebellion
  127. Reckoning
  128. Reclusive
  129. Refusal
  130. Resistance
  131. Retribution
  132. Revenge
  133. Rogue
  134. Ruined
  135. Savage
  136. Scoundrels
  137. Sentinels
  138. Shadows
  139. Shambles
  140. Silence
  141. Snafu
  142. Solitude
  143. Strike
  144. Symbolic
  145. Talons
  146. Tempest
  147. Threat
  148. Timberwolves
  149. Transistor
  150. Trappers
  151. Turmoil
  152. Twighlight
  153. Twilight
  154. Twisted
  155. Twizzle
  156. Ukiyo
  157. Unofficial
  158. Vanished
  159. Velocity
  160. Villigence
  161. Vortex
  162. Wicked
  163. Wing
  164. Wintersong
  165. Yoish

Minecraft Nickname Colors & Formatted Text

Minecraft Chat Colors

Did you know that you can write Minecraft colored text in the chat or command window? Here's how to change text color in Minecraft:

  1. Go into the chat box
  2. Write the § symbol:
    • on Windows press and hold ALT then "016"
    • on Mac press and hold Option then "6"
    • on iPhone open the keyboard, tap and hold the & symbol then click on the § symbol
    • on Android open the keyboard, tap and hold the symbol then click on the § symbol
  3. key in the color code then your text without any spaces between the color code and the text (example "§4wow" will write the text "wow" in red - 4 is the color code for red)

Here are the codes for the Minecraft colors that you can use in chat:

Minecraft Color Name Chat Code
Dark Red (dark_red) §4
Red (red) §c
Gold (gold) §6
Yellow (yellow) §e
Dark Green (dark_green) §2
Green (green) §a
Aqua (aqua) §b
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) §3
Dark Blue (dark_blue) §1
Blue (blue) §9
Light Purple (light_purple) §d
Dark Purple (dark_purple) §5
White (white) §f
Gray (gray) §7
Dark Gray (dark_gray) §8
Black (black) §0

Besides the fact that you can write colored text in Minecraft chat, you can also add formatting to your text like bold text, strikethrough and more. You do that also using codes just like for colors. Here's a quick reference for Minecraft text format codes:

  • §l - Bold text in Minecraft chat
  • §n - Underline text in Minecraft chat
  • §o - Italic text in Minecraft chat
  • §k - Magic text in Minecraft chat
  • §m - Strike text in Minecraft chat
  • §r - Reset text in Minecraft chat

Using a cool Minecraft nickname with colors and formatting in the Minecraft chat will show others you are a versed player and other players will be more easily convinced to join your faction.